In order to address a crucial aspect of shoe manufacturing using ecologically friendly materials, the Footwear Distributors and Retailers of America (FDRA) recently released the new shoe sustainability guide (EPMs). According to a release from FDRA, it provides industry leaders with benchmarks and objectives to support their efforts to lessen their companies’ environmental impacts.

The trade association created the handbook in collaboration with sourcing and sustainability professionals from organizations like as Caleres, Allbirds, Nike, and Material Exchange.

According to Andy Polk, senior vice president of FDRA, the book is meant to serve as a resource for the sector and assist in breaking certain shoe businesses’ decision and strategy paralysis around sustainability and getting them moving in the right path.

According to Polk, as more and more manufacturers follow the approach, the cost of developing more sustainable materials will drop, and consumers will receive footwear made from superior, higher-value materials. The work we are undertaking to unite businesses to increase impact is just getting started.

Shoe firms can achieve cheaper costs and greater benefits by cooperating to achieve sustainability goals, according to a news release.

In order to incorporate advancements in the industry, life cycle analyses, and new developments in materials, FDRA will update the handbook. Additionally, it motivates businesses to assess their existing performance in comparison to the benchmarks and take prompt action to push their materials past them.

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