full_time icon The match is over, scores are FC Midtjylland 5, Lazio 1.
second_half_end icon FC Midtjylland 5, Lazio 1: Second half ends.

miss icon Missed attempt. After a corner, Marcos Antnio (Lazio) takes a right-footed shot from outside the area that misses to the right.

Lazio’s AA4 Corner. Henrik Dalsgaard gave up.

attempt_blocked icon Blocking attempt. Right footed shot by Luka Romero (Lazio) from the right side of the six yard box is blocked. Felipe Anderson gave assistance.

offside icon Lazio, offside. Matteo Cancellieri gets caught offside while Mario Gila tries to pass through.

FC Midtjylland substitution for substitution icon. Replaced by Valdemar Andreasen is Sory Kaba.

miss icon Missed attempt. The header from extremely close range by Lazio’s Sergej Milinkovic-Savic is too high. with a cross from Adam Marusic.

Lazio’s corner icon Corner. Henrik Dalsgaard gave up.

full_time icon0 Attainment denied. Left footed shot by Matteo Cancellieri (Lazio) from the left side of the six yard box is blocked. Felipe Anderson gave assistance.

full_time icon1 Attainment failed. From a direct free kick, Pione Sisto of FC Midtjylland misses to the right with a right-footed shot from a challenging angle and distance on the left.

full_time icon2 Luka Romero foul (Lazio).
FC Midtjylland’s full_time icon3 Pione Sisto gets awarded a free kick on the left wing.
full_time icon4 Sergej Milinkovic-Savic commits a foul (Lazio).
FC Midtjylland’s Pione Sisto (full_time icon5) earns a free kick on the left wing.

full_time icon6 Blocking attempt. Right footed shot by Sergej Milinkovic-Savic (Lazio) from outside the box is blocked. Felipe Anderson gave assistance.

full_time icon7 Blocking attempt. A right-footed attempt from a challenging angle on the left by Luis Alberto of Lazio is stopped. Sergej Milinkovic-Savic gave assistance.

full_time icon8 Mario Gila foul (Lazio).
A free kick is awarded to FC Midtjylland’s full_time icon9 Sory Kaba in the defensive half.

second_half_end icon0 Missed attempt. Right footed effort by Felipe Anderson (Lazio) from the left side of the box is good but misses to the right.

second_half_end icon1 Missed attempt. Right footed shot from outside the box by Luis Alberto (Lazio) misses to the right and high. Thanks to Adam Marusic.

FC Midtjylland substitution, at aa22. Gustav Isaksen is replaced by Edward Chilufya.
Lazio substitution: AA23. Ciro Immobile is replaced by Luka Romero.
second_half_end icon4 Matteo Cancellieri foul (Lazio).

Pione Sisto (FC Midtjylland) earns a free kick in the opposing half with the call of second_half_end icon5.

second_half_end icon6 Goal! Lazio 1; FC Midtjylland 5; A left footed effort by Erik Sviatchenko of FC Midtjylland from the left side of the six yard box finds the back of the net. Evander provided a cross in response to a set piece predicament.

Alessio Romagnoli (Lazio) receives a yellow card for a poor foul at aa27.
Alessio Romagnoli commits a foul in position aa28 (Lazio).

FC Midtjylland’s Gustav Isaksen (second_half_end icon9) earns a free kick in the offensive half.

Lazio substitution at miss icon0. Danilo Cataldi is replaced by Marcos Antnio.
miss icon1 Adam Marusic commits a foul (Lazio).

miss icon2 FC Midtjylland’s Henrik Dalsgaard is awarded a free kick in the opposing half.

Goal, aa33! Lazio 1; FC Midtjylland 4; Following a set piece, FC Midtjylland’s Gustav Isaksen fired a left-footed shot from the right side of the six-yard box into the bottom left corner.

miss icon4 Saved penalty! Failing to take advantage of this excellent opportunity is FC Midtjylland’s Evander, whose right footed shot was saved in the bottom right corner.

After a foul within the penalty box, Adam Marusic of Lazio conceded an AA35 penalty.

miss icon6 FC Midtjylland is penalized. In the penalty area, Gustav Isaksen is called for a foul.

miss icon7 FC Midtjylland is offside. Pione Sisto is thrown out of bounds while Paulinho tries to make a through ball.

FC Midtjylland substitution, at aa38. Anders Dreyer is replaced by Pione Sisto.
FC Midtjylland substitution at AA39. Emiliano Martnez is replaced by Charles.

corner icon0 Lazio, offside. Ciro Immobile is sent offside while Mario Gila tries to pass through.

FC Midtjylland’s Jonas Lssl receives a warning in position corner icon1.

corner icon2 Missed attempt. Left footed shot from outside the box by Matteo Cancellieri (Lazio) misses to the left and high. Ciro Immobile is helping out.

Elseid Hysaj fouled corner icon3 (Lazio).

FC Midtjylland’s Gustav Isaksen (corner icon4) earns a free kick in the opposing half.

Lazio’s Elseid Hysaj (corner icon5) is awarded a free kick in the offensive half.

corner icon6 Evander foul (FC Midtjylland).

corner icon7 Goal! Lazio 1; FC Midtjylland 3; Right footed shot with the right hand from outside the box to the center of the goal by Sergej Milinkovic-Savic (Lazio). Ciro Immobile is helping out.

corner icon8 Paulinho (FC Midtjylland) receives a warning for a poor foul.

A free kick is awarded to Lazio’s Matteo Cancellieri (corner icon9) on the right wing.

attempt_blocked icon0 Paulinho foul (FC Midtjylland).
Alessio Romagnoli committed a foul with the number aa51 (Lazio).

attempt_blocked icon2 FC Midtjylland’s Sory Kaba is awarded a free kick in the opposing half.

attempt_blocked icon3 Lazio’s Matteo Cancellieri is awarded a free kick in the opposing half.

attempt_blocked icon4 Paulinho foul (FC Midtjylland).
Lazio substitution: attempt_blocked icon5 Pedro is replaced by Matteo Cancellieri.
Lazio substitution: attempt_blocked icon6 Stefan Radu is replaced by Adam Marusic.
Lazio substitution: attempt_blocked icon7. Matas Vecino is replaced with Sergej Milinkovic-Savic.
Goal, AA58! Lazio lost at FC Midtjylland, 3–0. FC Midtjylland’s Evander scores from the spot with a right-footed shot into the bottom left corner.

Lazio’s Danilo Cataldi conceded a penalty after being fouled inside the penalty area (attempt_blocked icon9).

offside icon0 FC Midtjylland is penalized. In the penalty area, Gustav Isaksen is called for a foul.

Lazio, AA61 Corner. Erik Sviatchenko resigned.

offside icon2 Missed attempt. Right footed shot by Evander (FC Midtjylland) from outside the box is high and wide to the right.

offside icon3 FC Midtjylland is offside. Erik Sviatchenko attempts to pass through, but Sory Kaba is impeded by an offside flag.

offside icon4 Matas Vecino foul (Lazio).

offside icon5 In the defensive half, a free kick is awarded to FC Midtjylland’s Erik Sviatchenko.

FC Midtjylland 2, Lazio 0: offside icon6 Second half begins.
offside icon7 FC Midtjylland 2, Lazio 0; First Half finishes.
Danilo Cataldi fouled in AA68 (Lazio).
A free kick is awarded to FC Midtjylland’s Kristoffer Olsson in the opposing half at AA69.

substitution icon0 Missed attempt. Right footed shot from outside the box by Evander (FC Midtjylland) is just a little too high. Anders Dreyer is a helper.

substitution icon1 Lazio’s Danilo Cataldi is awarded a free kick in the offensive half.
substitution icon2 Emiliano Martnez commits a foul (FC Midtjylland).

substitution icon3 Missed attempt. Right footed shot from outside the box by Luis Alberto (Lazio) is too high. Felipe Anderson gave assistance.

substitution icon4 Effort was saved. The top left corner of the goal is reached after a left-footed save by Pedro (Lazio) from the right side of the box. Matas Vecino gave assistance.

substitution icon5 Felipe Anderson foul (Lazio).
FC Midtjylland’s Paulinho (substitution icon6) is awarded a free kick on the left wing.

substitution icon7 Missed attempt. Following a corner, FC Midtjylland’s Anders Dreyer (right footed effort from outside the area) misses to the left.

Corner, substitution icon8, FC Midtjylland. Ivan Provedel gave up the ball.

substitution icon9 Effort was saved. A header by FC Midtjylland player Henrik Dalsgaard from the left side of the penalty area is saved in the upper right corner. aided by a cross from Evander.

FC Midtjylland’s miss icon0 Corner. by Mario Gila gave up.

miss icon1 Goal! Lazio 0; FC Midtjylland 2; Right footed shot by Sory Kaba (FC Midtjylland) from the center of the box to the bottom right corner. Anders Dreyer is a helper.

miss icon2 Goal! Lazio loses against FC Midtjylland 1–0. Left footed shot by FC Midtjylland’s Paulinho from the heart of the box to the lower left corner. Evander gave aid.

miss icon3 Missed attempt. A right footed attempt from the center of the box by FC Midtjylland’s Evander misses to the left. Anders Dreyer is a helper.

miss icon4 Right-footed shot from the left side of the box by FC Midtjylland’s Gustav Isaksen strikes the bar.

miss icon5 Missed attempt. The header from Pedro (Lazio) in the middle of the box is high and wide to the left. Felipe Anderson gave assistance.

miss icon6 Lazio’s Danilo Cataldi is awarded a free kick in the opposing half.
miss icon7 Kristoffer Olsson foul (FC Midtjylland).

miss icon8 FC Midtjylland is offside. When Paulinho tries to pass through, Gustav Isaksen is spotted offside.

miss icon9 Gustav Isaksen handball (FC Midtjylland).
corner icon0 Danilo Cataldi commits a foul (Lazio).
FC Midtjylland’s corner icon1 Evander is awarded a free kick in the opposing half.

corner icon2 Missed attempt. Left footed shot from outside the box by Anders Dreyer (FC Midtjylland) misses to the left and high. With help from Sory Kaba.

corner icon3 Lazio, offside. Felipe Anderson gets caught offside when Danilo Cataldi tries to pass through.

Lazio’s Matas Vecino (corner icon4) is awarded a free kick in the offensive half.
corner icon5 Emiliano Martnez commits a foul (FC Midtjylland).
Lazio’s AA96 Corner. Paulinho gave up the ball.
Sory Kaba commits AA97’s foul (FC Midtjylland).

corner icon8 In the opposing half, a free kick is awarded to Ivan Provedel of Lazio.

corner icon9 Blocking attempt. A left footed shot from the right side of the box is stopped by Evander (FC Midtjylland). With help from Sory Kaba.

full_time icon00 starts the first half.
Players are warming up as the lineups for full_time icon01 are announced.

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