SUNDAY, September 30, 2021 (HealthDay News)
Plan to work out after work sooner rather than later if you want to run, bike, or watch a Zumba DVD.

While an exercise that concludes close to bedtime may have you counting sheep, one that ends a couple of hours before bedtime should aid in your ability to fall asleep.

According to study co-author Emmanuel Frimpong, a postdoctoral fellow at the Sleep , Cognition and Neuroimaging Lab at Concordia University in Montreal, “overall, our analysis showed that when exercise ended two hours before bedtime, there were sleep benefits, including the promotion of sleep onset and increased sleep duration.”

On the other hand, sleep quality suffered when exercise terminated less than two hours before bedtime. The length of the participants’ sleep also dropped, according to Frimpong, who made the observation in a university news release.

The effects of a single vigorous exercise session on young and middle-aged healthy adults’ sleep were examined using data from meta-analyses of 15 published studies.

“We found that there were a lot of conflicting outcomes when we surveyed the literature on this study,” said Melodee Mograss, a cognitive neuropsychologist and researcher at the university sleep lab. Some were dependent on the exercise time, while others were dependent on the participants’ fitness levels or even the sort of activity.

The research team discovered that high-intensity exercise in the early evening helped improve sleep, particularly if the exerciser was generally inactive. People who exercised for between 30 and 60 minutes had more success staying asleep. The most advantageous sleep was in Cycling .

It is better to maintain a regular exercise regimen because exercising at various times throughout the evening may interfere with sleep, according to the experts.

According to our review, evening activities should be done as early in the evening as possible for healthy, young, and middle-aged persons without a history of sleep disorders . Also important are sleep hygiene practices like showering between finishing an exercise session and going to bed and avoiding large meals or drinking a lot of water just before night.

Whether you are an early riser or a night owl may also affect your technique. Late-night high-intensity exercise can cause sleep disturbances among morning individuals, according to Frimpong.

The results were released on September 28 in the publication Sleep Medicine Reviews.
Information about
tips for healthy sleeping. is the Sleep Foundation’s rating.

SOURCE: News release from Concordia University, September 28, 2021

Murez, Cara
Copyright HealthDay 2021. Toutes droits réservés.
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