Tuesday, August 14, 2022 (HealthDay News) Anthony Fauci, M.D., who has worked at the American National Institutes of Health for more than 50 years and has advised seven presidents, will retire in December to start a new chapter in his career, he said on Monday.

Fauci, 81, is Joe Biden’s chief medical advisor and the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) in the United States.

I am leaving my current positions, but I am not leaving the workforce. In an statement published on the NIAID website, Fauci stated, “After more than 50 years of public service, I intend to explore the next stage of my career while I still have so much energy and passion for my area.” I want to continue advancing science and public health using the knowledge I have gained as director of NIAID. I also want to teach and inspire the upcoming generation of scientific leaders as they work to get the world ready to fight off infectious disease threats in the future.

Fauci joined the NIH in 1968 and became well-known within the organization during the AIDS crisis of the 1980s. As a researcher on HIV/AIDS, Fauci carried out important studies that helped doctors understand the disease today and continue to influence the treatments used to treat and prevent AIDS.

Since Ronald Reagan onward, Fauci has served as the director of NIAID and has counseled each U.S. president on infectious disease emergencies.

Fauci promised in his statement that he would continue to provide his duties “my whole attention, enthusiasm, and devotion” and that he would work to have the Institute ready for a change in leadership in the near future. I have no doubt that I am leaving this job in extremely capable hands because some of the most gifted scientists in the world work for NIH, he continued.

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